This event is part of the REIS Seminar Programme series
SpeakerBerwyn Davies, Welsh Higher Education Brussels
Judith Litjens, COST Programme Policy Officer
Adrian Harwood, Cardiff University
COST is coming to Wales on 16 May 2023 with an event at Swansea University open to all researchers based in Wales.
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.
Networking with European researchers - how can COST help?
The event will provide attendees with an overview of the COST programme and the benefits of participation. The event will also outline the different ways to get involved in the COST programme and will cover UK participation in COST.
The event is open to all researchers based in Wales who are keen to discover the funding opportunities for collaborative research networks, including training, workshops and webinars supported through the COST programme. Being part of a COST Action can lead to success in future funding applications with follow-up proposals to other funding programmes from COST Actions having a 37% success rate.
COST is a bottom-up funding organisation for the creation of research and innovation networks, called COST Actions. These networks seek to foster interdisciplinary research collaboration across Europe and beyond. In this way, COST Actions are helpful for developing personal research networks and developing understanding of funding calls under the EU’s research and innovation framework programmes. The UK is a full member of COST and continues to enjoy all the benefits of membership including being fully reimbursed for engagement in COST actions.
COST Actions are typically made up of researchers from academia, SMEs, public institutions and other relevant organisations or interested parties.
Open to all science and technology fields, including new and emerging fields; COST Actions offer an inclusive, pan-European environment for individuals of all levels of seniority to grow their professional research networks and boost their careers.
Contact: Bethan Jones (Email: