Friends of the Egypt Centre: Isis and the status of goddesses in ancient

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A The Egypt Centre Event


Edward Scrivens

Speaker's Biography

Ed received his doctorate from The Queen’s College, University of Oxford, where he held the Barns Studentship in Egyptology. In 2021 he taught at Swansea University as Tutor for Egyptology, and he is now Development Manager at the Egypt Exploration Society where he coordinates major projects to evolve the EES while also contributing to the Society’s teaching and publication programmes. Ed’s research focuses on questions of gender and religion, areas he explores in a forthcoming co-edited volume for Liverpool University Press.

From: 19 Apr 2023, 7 p.m.
To: 19 Apr 2023, 8 p.m.
Location: Hybrid lecture: In person and via Zoom, Taliesin Create, Swansea University, Singleton Park, SA2 8PZ, Swansea

The nature of goddesses’ power in ancient Egypt was multifaceted and ever-changing. To the Egyptians, deities were just as real and integral to society as their human counterparts, and like human women the roles and status of goddesses varied over time, between individuals, and across contexts. Isis provides an interesting case study for this dynamic face of ‘goddesshood’, being a key figure in textual and material culture from the Old Kingdom through to the Christianisation of Egypt. By following Isis’ representations over time – with reference to EES objects in the Egypt Centre’s collection – we can observe her rise to prominence, question how her power was understood, and better appreciate the complexity of goddesses’ roles and agency.

Contact: Rex (Email:


Event created by: s.r.wale