Bug Hotel Big Build

Registration is required

Register at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bug-hotel-big-build-adeiladu-gwesty-pryfed-tickets-1092432778849?aff=ebdsoporgprofile&_gl=1*yzg99e*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTY5NDQ0NDgwMy4xNzMyODgwNDc1*_ga_TQVES5V6SH*MTczMjg4MDQ3N

This event is part of the Go Green Week series

From: 4 Feb 2025, 10 a.m.
To: 4 Feb 2025, noon
Location: Taliesin Create, Swansea University, Singleton Park, SA2 8PZ, Swansea

Join Sustainability at their stall in the Taliesin for a big bug hotel build!

Ben our Biodiversity officer will be leading the activities throughout the day at our stall.

Ask Ben "what lives in pinecones?" Or "Why are they putting bamboo canes inside?"

So much to learn, find out and if your lucky you can sign up with Ben to install them across campus!

Contact: Gareth Williams (Email: gareth.williams@swansea.ac.uk) - Telephone: 07854760235

Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bug-hotel-big-build-adeiladu-gwesty-pryfed-tickets-1092432778849?aff=ebdsoporgprofile&_gl=1*yzg99e*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTY5NDQ0NDgwMy4xNzMyODgwNDc1*_ga_TQVES5V6SH*MTczMjg4MDQ3N

Event created by: gareth.williams