PGR Supervisor Forum: setting expectations and building the supervisory relationship (992-3)

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This event is part of the Development and Training Services Programme series

From: 7 Nov 2024, 1 p.m.
To: 7 Nov 2024, 2 p.m.
Location: Room 309, Faraday Level 3, Singleton Campus, Park Campus

The PGR Supervisor Forum offers a new space for PGR supervisors to come together across schools/faculties, share experiences and discuss best practice in PGR supervision. Each meeting will have a different theme, notified in advance and linked to supporting material in the PGR Supervisor Toolkit and the Supervising Doctoral Studies online training course. The sessions are not 'taught', with the emphasis being on peer support and discussion following a brief introduction and sharing discussion points. The forum is open to all supervisors, both new and experienced, enabling staff to learn from the differing perspectives of others.

- Reflect on their own approach to supervision, with specific relation to the theme of the session
- Share experiences and hear from the perspectives of other supervisors
- Incorporate good practice into their own supervision

Target Audience :
PGR Supervisors across the university
Academic staff due to begin supervision in the near future.

Contact: Learning & Development Team (Email:

Event created by: j.l.home