REIS SEMINAR SERIES 1101-1: The Narrative CV. What is it? How to create your own.

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This event is part of the REIS Seminar Programme series


Dr Anna Seager

From: 6 Nov 2024, 2 p.m.
To: 6 Nov 2024, 4 p.m.
Location: Zoom link will be sent after registration via ABW. Search course catalogue for 1101, Online Event - Please see description

Narrative CVs are a new way to talk about your career, research, teaching, impact and outputs. They are part of a wider ambition to create a more inclusive and supportive research and innovation culture. They are increasingly used as part of funding applications, and sometimes used in job or promotion processes. The new ACP reform at Swansea has a narrative CV format. The aim of the narrative CV is to broaden the information presented and assessed, and designed to help you, or your team, evidence a wider range of skills and experience (than a traditional academic CV) when applying for opportunities. Please join us for an informal seminar to learn more about the Narrative CV with hints and tips for creating your own.

Learning Outcomes:
• Rationale for Narrative CVs (NCVs), discussion of their pros and cons
• Enable participants to select evidence for NCV modules, think about how to structure content.
• Undertake some group exercises that will help with understanding of NCVs, such as thinking of your own role, or researchers that you know, what would you put into each Module of the UKRI format?
• Access to NCV resources and guidance to support participants.

Contact: Anna Seager (Email:

Event created by: t.m.chambers