Working Carers Workshop (1067-1)

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This event is part of the Staff Training series


Jane Healey, Employers for Carers - Wales Manager

Speaker's Biography

Jane Healey has worked at Carers Wales as the Employers for Carers Wales Hub Manager for four years. Having previously balanced work and care, Jane is passionate that staff are able to talk about their care responsibilities so that they can access vital support and information to remain healthy and well at work.

From: 10 Jun 2024, 11 a.m.
To: 10 Jun 2024, noon
Location: Zoom, Online Event - Please see description

When people need help with their day-to-day living they turn most often to their family and friends. Looking after each other is something that we do as part of our everyday lives, and most often do willingly. Yet many unpaid carers remain hidden and without support.

This workshop will help carers identify themselves or others at work and learn how to get support. It will support teams with employee wellbeing responsibilities to understand what carers may need in the workplace and what support there is available through Carers Wales.

This workshop will help you:
- understand what we mean by a working carer and the challenges faced
- understand why carers need support in the workplace
- explore different types of support, whether that be in the workplace or externally

Target audience : Staff balancing work and care

Contact: Learning & Development Team (Email:

Event created by: j.l.home