April is Stress Awareness Month


Please come and visit us to discuss all things stress related on Bay Campus, School of Management entrance area, attending stalls will be-
Occupational Health
Swansea Bay Sports Park
Faith Team

From: 22 Apr 2024, 10 a.m.
To: 22 Apr 2024, 2 p.m.
Location: School of Management entrance/foyer area, Bay Campus

April is Stress Awareness Month and its aim to raise awareness of the causes and cures for our modern-day stress epidemic.

It is the time when we have an opportunity for an open conversation on the impact of stress. Dedicated time to removing the guilt, shame, and stigma around mental health. To talk about stress, and its effects and open up about our mental and emotional state with friends, families, colleagues, and professionals.

Contact: Jessica Rees (Email: jessica.d.rees@swansea.ac.uk)

Event created by: jessica.d.rees