The Menopause: Awareness for all [784-9]

Registration is required

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This event is part of the Staff Training series

From: 6 Feb 2024, 2 p.m.
To: 6 Feb 2024, 3:30 p.m.
Location: Online Event - Please see description

The menopause is a natural part of life. Women do not live and work in isolation, so it is in all of our interests to understand the menopause and how to mitigate some of its potential challenges.

This awareness session will offer an explanation of the menopause, what can be done and why it is good to talk about the menopause in personal and professional settings.

Best practice employers are engaging with menopause awareness because they care about employee wellbeing; in return this helps employees give their best to their work so maintaining productivity, loyalty and the retention of talent.

All staff welcome

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Contact: Learning & Development Team (Email:

Event created by: z.k.battar