Effective Practice - Authentic Multi-Format Assessment

Registration is required

Register at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/effective-practice-seminar-assessment-design-multi-format-approaches-tickets-740843692427?aff=oddtdtcreator

Event created by : Swansea Academy of Learning and Teaching

This event is part of the Swansea Academy of Learning and Teaching (SALT) series



From: 6 Dec 2023, noon
To: 6 Dec 2023, 1 p.m.
Location: Online Event - Please see description

This online 'Effective Practice' seminar will bring Swansea University colleagues together to share and learn from each other's experience and expertise in engaging our students. If you are looking to learn about ways to diversify your assessment methods, this session is for you. It will explore various ways in which students can express their learning different means to support the development of a broader range of academic, personal and employability skills. Intended benefits of multi- format approaches can include increased engagement by providing opportunities for more inspiring or authentic methods of

Contact: Matthew Allan (Email: M.Allen@Swansea.ac.uk) - Telephone: 2453

Event created by: r.e.ellis