An introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education

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This event is part of the Swansea Academy of Learning and Teaching (SALT) series


Simon Gibbon - Head of SALT
Prof. Michael Draper - Deputy Pro VC Education
Prof. Jo Berry - Professor, Classics

Speaker's Biography

Simon Gibbon - Head of Swansea Academy of Learning and Teaching, (SALT)

From: 27 Apr 2023, noon
To: 27 Apr 2023, 1 p.m.
Location: Online Event - Please see description

Swansea University colleagues are invited to an engaging, non-technical overview of OpenAI's ChatGPT and AI more generally.
Simon Gibbon, Head of Swansea Academy of Learning and Teaching, will provide an introduction to AI, a demonstration of ChatGPT, and present ways in which AI could be used to support learning, teaching and assessment.
This will be accompanied by a panel discussion where colleagues will share their insights into AI's potential and threats, before a short Q&A session with the audience.
Panellists will Include:
Professor Michael Draper, Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor Education
Professor. Jo Berry, Professor, Classics.
Visit Eventbrite to register.

Contact: Stuart Henderson (Email:


Event created by: s.d.r.henderson