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Gwyddoniaeth a Pheirianneg - Faculty of Science and Engineering
This event is part of the International Women's Day Celebrations series
SpeakerTori James
Speaker's BiographyTori is the first Welsh woman to climb Mount Everest. She was a member of the first all-female team to ski to the Magnetic North Pole in a 360-mile polar challenge, and she holds the record for the longest open sea kayak in UK waters.
Over the last 20 years Tori has undertaken some of the world’s most extreme endurance challenges, setting many records and achieving what most people would consider impossible from surviving the death zone on Mt. Everest to racing across frozen sea ice in the Arctic.
From: 7 Mar 2023, 1 p.m.Join us at the Computational Foundry to celebrate International Women’s Day with a guest talk by Tori James.
We are delighted to welcome her to the Computational Foundry to inspire us with her stories of challenges in the extremes, and empower us to overcome obstacles and achieve extraordinary things – to step outside of your comfort zone and achieve the unachievable.
All students and staff are warmly invited to attend.
Afternoon tea provided – selection of sandwiches, cakes, scones, and tea/coffee
Contact: Morgan Towler (Email: