Cariad yn oes y Gin

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College of Arts and Humanities

This event is part of the Taliesin Arts Centre series

From: 16 Mar 2023, 7:30 p.m.
To: 16 Mar 2023, 7:30 p.m.
Location: Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea University, Singleton Park, SA2 8PZ, Swansea

Theatr Bara Caws

A Welsh language production

London in 1733 is dirty, overcrowded, and entranced with a new sensation; Gin. Everyone is shit-faced, from young to old.

In the seedy St Giles district, young rabblerousers Nansi and Dylan arrive from their Welsh valley with a cart full of barley and an empty purse, aching to get a piece of the action. But the party has to die down soon, and Dylan and Nansi will learn that mixing true love and ambition comes at painful cost.

Commissioned by Theatr Bara Caws, this two hander fiendishly interrogates whose freedom we are responsible for.

'Comedi am ryddid sydd yma. Gofynnwn y cwestiwn: pa mor bell y dylem ni fynd i fynnu rhyddid, ac oes gennym ni’r hawl i rwystro rhyddid pobl eraill? Yn ystod oes o gyfnodau dan glo, cyfyngiadau a cholled, rydym i gyd yn profi ac yn archwilio ein perthynas â rhyddid, ac yn gofyn pwy sy’n haeddu rhyddid...a pwy sydd ddim?' Chris Harris

Cast: Siôn Emyr and Mali O’Donnell
Directed by: Betsan Llwyd
Music: Mari Mathias
A dark comedy about the experiences of a couple of young, charismatic rabble-rousers; ambitious for better prospects and longing for change in their lives.

We follow their journey from their home in rural Wales to the centre of St. Giles in the 'underbelly' of London, to seek their fortune in the city’s ‘Gin Craze’.

Contact: Taliesin Arts Centre (Email: - Telephone: 01792602060




Event created by: n.s.mills