Cancelled: safeTALK: Suicide Alertness For Everyone

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This event is part of the Wellbeing series

From: 8 Feb 2023, 10:30 a.m.
To: 8 Feb 2023, 2 p.m.
Location: Room (TBC), Bay Campus

ABW Course ID 851-11

safeTALK is a half day (3.5 hour) suicide prevention training course that can help you make a difference.

Know what to do if someone’s suicidal by following the easy to remember TALK steps – Tell, Ask, Listen and Keep-safe. These practical steps offer immediate help to someone having thoughts of suicide and helps you both move forward to connect with more specialised support.

By the end of the session participants will be able to:

• Identify people thinking of suicide.
• Overcome barriers in talking about suicide.
• Identify reasons we may miss, dismiss or avoid suicide.
• Practice using the 4-step model of suicide alertness.
• Connect people at risk of suicide with further appropriate help.

As a safeTALK-trained suicide alert helper, you will be better able to:

• Move beyond common tendencies to miss, dismiss or avoid suicide.
• Identify people who have thoughts of suicide.
• Apply the TALK steps (Tell, Ask, Listen and Keep-safe) to connect a person thinking about suicide to a suicide intervention resource.

Additionally, each participant will receive a certificate, a wallet-sized reference card plus a resource pack with information about sources of support for people having suicidal thoughts.


The safeTALK course was developed by LivingWorks in Canada and is delivered worldwide. It complements the more comprehensive 2 day ASIST course by conveniently widening the net of suicide alert helpers to ensure that thoughts of suicide aren’t missed, dismissed or avoided. The safeTALK course is based on the principles of maximum dissemination and minimum cost.

For more information about this course, please visit the safeTALK page at

Event created by: sara.antonacci